What Are the Benefits of classical Ballet for Kids?When it comes to their kids, parents want them to have the best. Exposure to things like sports and the arts help them to become more well rounded young men and women. Have you thought about ballet?
Kids are into all sorts of afterschool sports and other activities like
piano and violin lessons. Dancing is a great medium for both girls and
boys. And, they can start very young.
Classical ballet may have been pushed aside in favor of tap dancing,
hip-hop, jazz, Latin dance and other forms. But, did you know that beginning with
ballet will help with these other types of dancing, acting, modeling and
some sports as well?
Ballet dancers make it look effortless as they move across the stage.
From the lifts to the toe points, many wonder how they can do it. Your
kids can also be a part of this through the practice of classical
Pre-Ballet classes can start for young kids around ages four and five.
For them, being in front of all those mirrors and the bar is something
new and exciting.
And we are the only New York's School of Russian Ballet that uses a unique
program - methodology for working with children
as young as 2 years old
and preparing them for ballet and other dance classes.
The Vaganova method is a method of teaching classical ballet that was founded by
Agrippina Vaganova and developed into an exact science by her pedagogical pupil
for over 30 years, Vera Kostrovitskaya and countless other teachers in the
decades following Vaganova's death in 1951. Therefore, it is really a misnomer
to call it that, as she meant for it to be called the teaching of classical
dance. It is in the mistranslation of the title of her book, "Basic Principles
of Russian Classical Dance" that it is implied that it is her method. She
actually titled her book: "The Foundation for Dance." It is combination of the
finest of the esthetics and physical results of strength, from French, Danish,
and Italian schools, the method has produced many of the world's best dancers
and continues to do so today. Vaganova is known for founding the Soviet System
of Ballet Education, but her and Kostrovitskaya's teaching method has developed
into the applied laws of physics and the core of the teaching does not need to
be constantly revised and modified, as other ways of teaching that are not
scientific. The method is still used worldwide. |
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